The Kundalini Consortium
October 29, 2017

Logos Lux- Part II
by Neven Paar

Our Solar System consists of the Sun and the seven Planets orbiting around it. In the recent past, we've discovered two more Planets, Pluto and Neptune; so we now have ten Planets, including our Moon, which was included as a Planet by the Ancients. According to the Qabalah, we derive the totality of our cosmological powers as human beings on Planet Earth from our Solar System. These powers constitute our Higher Self. Each Planet emanates a power that governs the different facets of our personalities and characters. It also impacts our destiny.

The Moon regulates our emotion. Our emotions work through the Water Element in our physical bodies which makes up 60% of our physical Self. On a Spiritual level, the Moon affects our second Chakra, Swadhisthana, which is the Water Chakra, in terms of the Elements. The action of the Moon, though, includes the Air Element as well, since it's the Air that moves the Water. Air is thought, which precedes emotion. The Moon also regulates the tides of the seas and the oceans. It fluctuates in a back and forth action, best compared to the movement of a pendulum. This same pendulum movement manifests itself in our emotions as well, since we continuously oscillate between opposites; love and hate, big and small, up and down. The Moon governs duality, which takes place in our minds and affects how we feel.

Mercury governs our intellect; how we think, as well as our thoughts and the speed of thought. For this reason, Mercury, or Hermes, is always portrayed with winged shoes, thereby describing his speed and movement metaphorically as he is the actual thought inside of us. In Egypt, he is given the name Thoth, which is the origin of the word "thought." Our logic, as well as our reason, are governed by Mercury as well. Mercury is balanced by the Moon. Metaphorically, this means that our logic is governed by our emotions and powered by our thoughts. Let those with ears of understanding hear this Ancient mystery. Thoughts are the basis of all of existence.

Venus governs love and desire. It is a fiery Planet; but not the same Fire as Mars, which is a raging Fire. The Fire of Venus is calmer and more of the nature of desires, especially of the sexual kind. It is the Fire of emotion. It has an intuitive element to it since desires come from somewhere deep down in our subconscious. Venus is also connected to the Moon in that sense since desire manifests itself through the emotions. The impulse to seek romantic love and find a lifelong mate is an aspect of Venus. A big part of romantic love is sexual desire, and while sexuality is more linked to the Moon since it's a more basic emotion that manifests itself as lust, lust can become love over time. Personal love is an expression of Universal love, which is unconditional, while lust is a base emotion relating to the physical body and its satisfaction.

Mars powers drive, ambition, and competition in us. Its Fire is very masculine and active, as the Fire of Venus is feminine and passive. Since Mars is the willpower, it needs a push from another Planet since willpower has to be moved by something. And that something is Jupiter since Jupiter represents Unconditional love. Love drives the willpower. Willpower is also stimulated by the intellect of Mercury. When the intelligence moves willpower, the Ego is involved in the process. When it's moved by Unconditional love, the action is pure and of the Higher Self. Too much Mars energy without the moderating influence of intellect or Unconditional love results in anger since this energy is a raw force with no guiding element.

Jupiter is the merciful part of us, while Mars is the severe part. Jupiter is Unconditional love which arises from the higher aspect of the Water Element in the same way as Mars represents the exalted Fire Element. They balance each other and give each other the impetus for action. Mars fights in the name of love, while Jupiter's love needs will to act. Venus represents the lower aspect of the Fire Element, while the Moon represents the lower aspect of the Water Element.

The Water and Fire Elements conjoined make up the Hexagram or Star of David. It is the symbol of the perfected human since when these two Elements are in balance, the Higher Self is exalted. It is our duty as human beings to learn to balance our Fire and Water Elements throughout our lives. The Elements manifest through the Planets. The lower aspect of Fire represents the intellect, while the higher aspect is the willpower. Conversely, the lower aspect of the Water Element is desire, while the higher aspect is Unconditional love.

To break it down further, when the Spiritual Self uses the Fire Element, the willpower operates in the name of love. When only the intellect is involved, devoid of unconditional love, the Ego is in command. Since the intelligence is based on rationalizing by referencing information it received in the past, it belongs to the realm of duality. Memory exists to anchor the Ego and give it individuality, as it uses past information to calculate future outcomes. Only acts of love belong to the present, the Now.

Consequently, this is where we all seek to be—in the Now. While in the Now, we can feel the rapture of the Spirit, since by being in the present moment, we have access to it. Creative activities that put us in the Now, and make us lose track of time are all acts of love. The Water Element represents the emotions, which are passive and involuntary. In the Spiritual Self, these emotions manifest as love, while in the Ego they manifest as lust—the desire for sexual satisfaction. These are all aspects of the Self that need to be understood and balanced within us. 

All polytheistic religions and philosophies use the Planets to describe the different aspects of the Self. They personify the Planets, calling them Gods and Goddesses, to help us understand our own inner makeup and the forces acting on our characters and personalities. Monotheistic religions only refer to the One God and abolish the notion of the many Gods. Yes, there is the One God behind all of existence. But since that One God is incomprehensible and immutable and cannot be known or reached by humans as presently constituted, the ancient religions and philosophies didn't bother trying to understand the One God. Yet, they used the Universe around us, and more particularly our Solar System, to better describe how the One God manifests inside and outside of us.

Saturn, the biggest Planet of them all, regulates and governs time, old age, restriction, and society. It is closely connected to the Moon since its revolution is twenty-eight years while the Moon's is twenty-eight days. Saturn is, therefore, Karmic energy on a grand scale, as well as materialism. Saturn belongs to the Air Element, which also encompasses the Sun. But as stated above, the Air Element is also found in the Moon since thoughts precede and move emotions. The Sun is most important to us since it brings forth Light into our Solar System. The Moon reflects this Light and acts on us during the night when the Sun is illuminating the other side of Earth. The Moon is therefore the reflection of the Light, but not the Light itself. The Sun represents truth while the Moon represents illusion. Both influence humans, and it is our job to walk in truth and discern illusions as best we can.

The question, "What is Soul?" is a central question of all religions. The answer can be found by probing the cosmological role of the Sun and its relation to human ontology. Qabalistically, the Sun is called Sol, pronounced like the word" Soul," which is related to the soles of our feet that we use to walk on Planet Earth. When we look at this connection between Sol and the Soul, we realize that one is basically the other.

The Soul is a Fire, it is Light, a spark within us, our centre, our core. It resides in the Solar Plexus and has a direct connection to the Heart Chakra above it, between the breasts. It is Light and Fire and is said to be Eternal and ever-living. Hence, we can conclude that the Soul originated directly from the Sun. Better yet, using the Qabalistic and Hermetic framework, we understand that the Soul is the Sun itself. Maybe not in its totality, but quality. It is a part of it and belongs to it. They are the same.

Jesus Christ, the so-called Light of the World, preached unconditional love and gave his life for all of humanity because he loved us. Jesus was called the World Sun, he was the World Soul, and following him were the twelve disciples. The twelve disciples are synonymous with the twelve Zodiac entities. This mythos is also present in other religions and Spiritual philosophies that are centred around the Sun and the twelve Zodiac. In essence, this is a Hermetic Philosophy. The Sun gives forth the Son, the Son of Man, Jesus Christ. Notice that the word "Son," the offspring, carries the same pronunciation as the word Sun.

This philosophy proposes that each of us is the Sun itself and that orbiting around us are the nine Planets, including the fixed twelve Zodiac constellations. Each of us then represents the totality of the Milky Way Galaxy and the energies contained therein.

To be continued in Part III...