Book Release Dates

Dear Reader,

I am happy to say that both The Magus: Kundalini and the Western Mysteries and Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium are out, including multiple editions, audiobooks, and numerous translations of each book. The next project that I am well underway on is “Serpent Rising II: Kundalini in the Ancient World,” which continues my research from the previous one, focusing on symbolism from Ancient traditions and old and new religions. This book will show that our Ancestors had full knowledge of Kundalini’s existence and purpose and that the Kundalini is the uniting factor between them all and their divergent viewpoints and belief systems.

However, I will be publishing the Man of Light series first. This project has been underway and steadily worked on for many years, and now I am finally near the end of finishing the first part of the series. Expect this one to be out early next year in 2025. For now, you have enough to dive into with my two published books, which contain over 1240 pages of raw, game-changing information you won’t get anywhere else.

I want to thank my wife and muse, Emily, who works tirelessly alongside me to bring you everything from books to social media content and everything in between. Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium features a full course on Yoga, which would not have been possible without Emily’s assistance since she is also the model in both of my books. Emily also did the front cover artwork for both books, each of which started as a painting that took up to a year to complete before being perfected digitally.

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Neven Paar
Winged Shoes Publishing