The Kundalini Consortium
February 8, 2018
Spiritual Rebirth and Destiny
by Neven Paar
Many people ask about Spiritual Rebirth—what it is, its purpose, and why it is so widely discussed. The concept of Spiritual Rebirth existed before the time of Jesus Christ and is inherently linked to the Solar cycle of life and death as the seasons progress through the Wheel of the Year. This transcendental cycle of time was the basis of many religions before Christianity. It is echoed in the stories of Osiris, Tammuz, and Dionysus, and has, at its core, the dead and resurrected God. You see, the concept of renewal is embedded in our subconscious. This idea of the old transforming itself into the new in a cycle of constant change is part of Universal Law.
The crucifixion of Jesus is symbolic of the sacrifice of the Ego and the physical Self, resulting in rebirth into the Higher Self of the Spirit. The rise in consciousness occurs when the Veil of Illusion is lifted. The True Self can then rise above the Ego. The length of time alive on this Planet directly affects Ego development through past conditioning. Removing the Veil of Illusion requires the application of a Spiritual practice for many years to purify the Ego and exalt the True Self. The more negative Karma you acquire over the years, the longer you need to work on yourself to eradicate that Karmic energy. A few examples of Spiritual practices people use to clear their Karma are transcendental meditation, Ritual Magick, devotional prayer, Natural Crystals (Gemstones) for healing, use of Tattvas, Sound Healing with Tuning Forks, etc.
Spiritual Rebirth is a "Spi-ritual"—a ritual for the Spirit to be reborn, metaphorically speaking. Discarding the old Self through the use of a Spiritual practice is the ritual that brings out the new Self. The new Self was there before the past, or current Self was developed. It was there at birth and in our early childhood years when we saw the world through pure, innocent eyes. In time, the Ego grew to protect us from the dangers of the outside world. The process of Spiritual Rebirth is a process of remembering. Re-membering who we once were and who, in essence, we are: Beings of Light and love.
The purpose of Christ's crucifixion is to teach us the importance of Spiritual Rebirth. The symbolism of Jesus on the cross of the four Elements is meant to embed in our subconscious the purpose of Self-sacrifice and rising through the four Elements back to God-the Creator. What binds us to the Ego is our interpretation of past events, which the Ego uses to predict future events. Through our teenage years, we learn to associate the Self with the Ego as it is growing and shaping itself. And once we start associating our Self with the Ego, we never stop. The greatest con the Ego ever pulled is making us believe that we are it.
This process of associating with the Ego makes us lose touch with the Now, which over time makes us lose touch with the Subtle Planes above the Physical Plane of Matter. This process is detrimental to our Spirituality because it closes up our Mind's Eye, Ajna Chakra. There are five Subtle Planes above the Physical Plane. They are the Lower and Higher Astral, Lower and Higher Mental, and the Spiritual Plane. And then there are Divine Planes above the Spiritual Plane, although those are much harder to access. As a result of losing touch with the Planes above the Physical, we lose touch with imagination, intuition, inspiration, creativity, and motivation—key components of Self that enable us to be truly happy in life and realize our full potential.
To re-activate those parts of the Self, we must think in terms of the past's opposite—the future. After all, we need to become excited about life to strive. Ajna Chakra is the connecting link to the Divine Source. We access these higher, Subtle Planes through the Pineal gland, which, in turn, is connected to the Pituitary gland and Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is the Godhead, the Source, the White Light, which filters downwards into the six Chakras below it. But if we don't stimulate the pineal gland and are too rooted in the Ego, it calcifies and closes up, shutting the door to the higher, Subtle Planes and the Divine energy. The process of Spiritual Rebirth is also a process of re-activating and attuning the Mind's Eye and the Pineal gland.
You cannot think in terms of the future and the past simultaneously unless you are in the Now. The Ego belongs to the past and therefore only associates with what it knows and has seen before. Its scope of vision limits its mode of functioning. It's a by-product of the survival mechanism we needed to evolve, but as we become more Spiritual over time, we don't need the Ego and can learn to function on intuition alone. Kundalini awakened individuals are meant to function in such a manner. Over time, the Ego burns away, and its dominion over the personality declines. The character becomes exalted through the influx of the Light brought in by the Kundalini. Kundalini's primary purpose is to attune the consciousness to the Now and expand it over time. It functions on intuition or clairvoyance—a direct knowledge of the truth. The Higher Self of the Spirit is in the Now and lives in truth.
The Higher Self sees into the future and thereby excites the field of pure potentiality. Anything is possible and attainable for human beings, although the Ego doesn't see this. It uses the file cabinet of past events to calculate future outcomes. Future outcomes are not based on future actuality, but calculations related to past events. The Ego cannot see into the future, so it uses fear of the unknown to intimidate our consciousness and control us.
The Ego reflects the process of Being as it is fixed and unchangeable. The Now, on the other hand, is only triggered by the process of Becoming since it is continually evolving, transforming, and renewing. The Ego uses the Light of the Moon to identify itself, while the Higher Self uses the Light of the Sun. As it is only a reflection of the Light of the Sun and not the Light itself, the Light of the Moon creates illusion. The Light of the Sun is the truth—objective and real. For this reason, Jesus called himself the Light, the truth, and the Way. He is called the Son of man, the Sun, surrounded by twelve Apostles, symbolic of the twelve Zodiac encircling the Sun.
The Light of the Sun is the source of our Souls, our True Selves. Since the Soul is concerned with its evolution and Spiritual progression, it plans for the future through the Now. The Ego is an illusion, and it belongs only to the past. It is a figment of our imagination, existing in the mind alone, specific to each of us. We carry both within us and must choose at any moment one of the two: the Ego or the Higher Self.
If you can understand this concept, you have the master key to living in the Now, the present moment. You will not need a Spiritual practice to return to the Source because you can use Mental or Mind Yoga to disassociate with the past and the Ego. Simply put, the past does not exist. It did at one point in time when it was the Now, but the Now renews itself every second. You can choose the Now right here and right now, and experience the pure potential of life and completely remake yourself. The Masters learn that dwelling on the past is a waste of time because you cannot change it. What has been recorded in the Universe through time and space was meant to be. People call this concept, destiny.
Believing in destiny offers some release from the bondage of the material world and the stress and anxiety of trying to control uncontrollable things. If you believe in destiny and learn to let go of the past, you can live a truly happy, fulfilling life.
Fixating on the past and living in the Ego takes away the juice, the nectar of life. It robs you of the dopamine and serotonin chemicals in the brain that induces happiness. Because you are under mental stress, your brain produces adrenaline instead, which inhibits the secretion of dopamine and serotonin. The mind, body, and Soul have to be in a state of peace to release these chemicals which let us experience feelings of happiness.
When you take a drug like Ecstasy or MDMA, you immediately connect to the Now and a flood of happy feelings and renewed imagination pours in. And most importantly, unconditional love. Marijuana, as well as cocaine, do the same thing. All recreational drugs allow the user to rise above the Ego by putting them in touch with the Now, the state of pure potential. I am not advocating the use of drugs in any way, but recognize what people are seeking by using them. With proper mind techniques and the right understanding, you don't have to use drugs to accomplish this. The Now is available to you 24/7 once you can get in touch with it.
These terms, such as imagination, the Now, pure potential, truth, Light of the Sun, are all connected as they have unconditional love at their Source. Love is the deepest and most powerful energy in existence. Love is pure Fire and archetypal, an emotion we can all partake of and share; it powers everything beautiful. As it filters downwards, it never loses its quality, but changes form as it embodies the Four Elements, which work through our Chakras. All archetypal ideas have unconditional love at their core. Imagination needs love, as does truth, creativity, happiness, joy, vitality, and all the other beautiful aspects and parts of life. Verily, it is true, "Love makes the world go round." And understanding how love works and making it a part of your life gives you the necessary transformation needed to evolve Spiritually—the very purpose of life.