The Kundalini Consortium
October 26, 2016

The Nature of the Kundalini
by Neven Paar

We live in a holographic Universe that occupies the same time and space as other, parallel, infinite Universes. The human Soul decides in which direction to take our reality from one moment to the next. To align with the Soul, one must learn to live in the Now, thereby bypassing their Ego. This state of Being will be natural for us once we Spiritually evolve.

During my initial Kundalini awakening, as the energy rose to the top of my head, I saw the holographic world around me with my physical eyes as the Kundalini energy went up my spine and into my brain. Once there, it kept rising until it cracked the Cosmic Egg at the very top of my head, blowing open Sahasrara Chakra. The Cosmic Egg released Astral liquid Ambrosia which poured over my body, thereby awakening the 72 000 Nadis of my Spiritual Body. Due to the intensity of this experience, I shot up in my bed and opened my eyes. To my amazement, I beheld the room around me as a holographic blueprint of the very room I was in a few minutes before.

As I stated, this vision did not take place in my Mind's Eye, but I saw it with my physical eyes. After seeing the painting above my bed suspended in mid-air, I looked down at my hands and saw my arms and my hands as pure, golden Light. At that moment, I knew that the nature of the Universe around us is simply empty space, nothing more. And I realized that our pure form is as Beings of Light.

For the average, everyday human, the holographic Universe cannot be perceived with the physical eyes. After all, the material world vibrates at a much lower frequency than our Spirit energy and our physical brains are made up of Matter. Our consciousness crystallizes our experience of reality, and as such, we accept it as being real.

As infants, up until our Ego and memory started to form (thereby making an impact on our consciousness and localizing us in time and space), we saw the world for what it is—a hologram. This theory would explain the nature of a child as they look out into the world with innocent, unbiased eyes and pure wonder and imagination streaming into their consciousness perpetually. We cannot ask a child what it sees and experiences, and as they get older, we all forget the first few years of our lives.

The Ego evolved as a defence mechanism of the body whose purpose is to protect us from the elements in nature. The reptilian "brain" gave rise to the Ego. Once the Ego was formed as an intelligence of the body, we lost our innocence and our consciousness fully localized within the physical body. The purpose of Spiritual rebirth is to reverse the process and return to that innocent state we were in as children. Only this time, we will have all of our cognitive faculties available for us to use.

The shedding of the Ego triggers a rising in consciousness towards the Spirit and away from the physical body. The Ego and Spirit are the same in the spectrum of consciousness, but they function at two opposite levels of vibration.

Consciousness is awareness in the Now of the internal process. Once liberated from the body through a Kundalini awakening, consciousness travels as awareness into the Spirit. This rise in consciousness is brought on by the Astral Light that is built up inside the Spiritual Body with the use of food since food is synthesized into Pure Light energy. As the Light grows inside the Spiritual Body, the consciousness "loses itself within itself" over time, and we transcend time and space to experience the realm of Eternity, the Spiritual Realm.

This transcendental state is the goal of and the inspiration for every yogi, sage, Magi and Spiritualist. The synthesis of Light in the Spiritual Body occurs continuously as the person with an awakened Kundalini eats nutritious food. For this reason, even after the initial awakening, it takes about two to three months for the person to start having metaphysical or transcendental experiences. These occur as the Astral Light builds up inside which depends on food and water to grow. As Astral Light fuels the Spiritual Body and expands it, consciousness expands conversely. In this process, the Ego starts losing itself, which gives rise to fears in the subconscious mind since that is the Ego's domain. The Ego knows it is dying, and therefore it fears the transformation process and looks for any way to get the consciousness to side with it and turn away from the Soul. Remember, the Ego is tied to the physical body. Thus, any kind of Spiritual work that affects the Ego also draws the consciousness away from the physical body.

The veil between the conscious and subconscious minds starts to dissipate over time, and a person becomes more and more at one with the Universal Laws. One of the Laws is the Law of manifestation since human beings have the innate ability to manifest whatever reality they want or desire as long as it is in line with their True Will. True Will is different than the Ego (the lower Will) as it seeks to satisfy the Spirit in the realm of Eternity, and not the physical body.

As the Astral Light grows, individuals also become more attuned to the air around them since it creates a vacuum in which the Ego can no longer operate. The 72,000 Nadis, which are likened to tree branches as they carry the liquid Ambrosia inside the Spiritual Body, are awakened and connect with the air around us, the medium for signals in the Astral World that surrounds us.

These are energy pathways which carry signals in the Astral World. These signals serve the same way as radio signals; only we receive emotions and thought impulses from living beings around us through the air as the medium. This experience takes place in the Spiritual Body, which continues its process of growth and expansion of consciousness. The process of aligning the individual consciousness with the Spiritual Body usually takes years to integrate fully.

In a full and permanent Kundalini awakening, the energy rises up the Sushumna channels and awakens all the Chakras, including Sahasrara. Depending on the intensity of its rise, it does not stop there but it continues surging upwards towards the Heavens. This experience makes the individual lose full consciousness of the physical body, resulting in the experience of being united with the White Light temporarily. The White Light is the foundation of everything that is, and the highest Spiritual experience that a human being is privy to.

The full and permanent Kundalini awakening has two distinct symptoms which become everlasting once the energy becomes localized in the brain. The two signs are a constant buzzing in the ears and the appearance of Astral Light in the head, which now transposes itself onto the physical reality, so the person sees White Light present in all things with their physical eyes. The buzzing in the ears is the Kundalini energy now inside the brain and working to fuel itself and grow.

In a partial awakening, the Kundalini rises up the spine but doesn't reach the top of the head. In most cases it tries to blow open Ajna Chakra, but, due to blockages or improper meditation methods employed, is unable to do so. As it cannot reach the brain entirely, it goes back down to coil itself like a snake around Muladhara Chakra. Often, it drops back down to the Heart centre, in Anahata Chakra, allowing the person to experience heart expansions and feel the nature of genuine empathy towards all living beings in the world. As the Kundalini works its way into the Heart Chakra, it expands one's capacity for experiencing unconditional love which serves to disengage the individual consciousness from the Ego gradually. Its aim is always to finish the Kundalini awakening process by rising up to the Crown Chakra. Afterwards, it aims to stay inside the brain, localizing there permanently for this lifetime.

Frequently, the partial Kundalini rising occurs as the Ego holds on too firmly, inducing fear, which pulls the energy back down, thereby preventing it from blowing open Ajna Chakra. The energy goes into the Heart Chakra so that it can work on expanding the True Self and move away from the fears of the Ego.

All Kundalini risings carry pranic energy up the spine, which is the initial form of the Kundalini energy. Once it drops back down into the Base or Heart Chakra, the pranic energy often plunges the person into an inspired or out-of-body state until the prana dissipates completely.

Some initiates perform kriyas, speak in tongues or do inspirational writing or painting, but these states usually lose their creative energy within ten to twenty minutes as the energy dissipates. In a fully awakened person, the energy is localized in the brain centre, and the Kundalini is fully operational 24/7. This person channels creativity non-stop and resides in a permanently inspired state. They are literally "lost in space and time." Activities such as listening to music or beholding a beautiful landscape transport them into a wholly transcendental or metaphysical reality. This higher reality is incomprehensible to someone who has no experience of it just as Light cannot be explained to someone born blind.

Once the Kundalini is permanently active, the dreams take on a different form, and the individual's consciousness is always awake, even during sleep—especially when they are in the Alpha state. These types of dreams are called Lucid Dreams, which are characterized by the experience of the dream feeling real, as the individual takes on their Light Body to travel in the higher, mystifying Cosmic Planes. Lucid Dreams feel similar to the experience of the physical reality, although in a degree less. Perhaps this is because the consciousness is more used to the physical body instead of the Light Body, although the individual is fully awake in both experiences.

With our Light Body, we can see, touch, and feel as we do through the physical body, but are not bound by laws of physics since there is no density to objects in the inner Cosmic Planes. Therefore, we can fly, move through objects, transport ourselves to any place with only our thoughts, and communicate with Beings that are particular to the Plane we are visiting.

There is a difference between the different types of Light. The Great White Light is the foundation of all that is, which channels its energy through the Stars to power and maintain the manifested, physical reality. Our Souls though originate from our Sun, and so our Star is most important to all living things in our Solar System. As such, all religions are, in one way or another, centred around our Sun.

The Sun exerts a gravitational pull on the Planets, which makes them orbit around it. Interestingly, the energy of each Planet represents a particular facet of the human psyche and its powers. Venus, for example, is the romantic love we feel towards one another. Mercury is the logic or reason we take part in. Jupiter represents the ethics and morals and the fluidity of consciousness. It also has a correlation with the waters in our system as well as our memory. Mars represents the warlike ability of the True Will. It is also a place where our personal Demons come from. These Demons are considered as Fallen Angels, and it's our duty to master the Self and restore them back their original state in Heaven. Their powers are destructive for the most part, but they take part in rebuilding the Universe continually, as all living things die and are reborn and renewed, and the Universe is a living entity.

Such is the process of evolution. It is cyclic. Saturn also represents time, old age, and wisdom, while Mars represents power and severity. Jupiter is mercy and unconditional love, while Venus is the desire and the lower emotions. Mercury is thought; and finally the Moon is a reflection of the Light of the Sun. It represents illusion, and may very well be the reason for the dual nature of human life, of good and evil, up and down, and the overall duality that is present in all things on this Planet.

It is possible that we only perceive things in our vibrational field physically, which is why we don't see life on other Planets. If we could look into different dimensions, perhaps we would see that life on Planets with more than one Moon experiences a reality that is more than a duality. After all, the purpose of our Moon is to reflect the Light of the Sun, so Planets with more than one Moon would have different types of reflections. But our Moon gives us a dual reality. Nightly, it reflects illusions of what we think is real. Our Moon represents the feminine aspect of our Being as the Sun represents the masculine component.

A Kundalini awakening gives rise to a reality where one can perceive the totality of the Universe at the same time—at least within our Solar System. The great Sages of old reported that over time, as one's consciousness expands and encompasses our Solar System, they continue to grow until they outgrow this Solar System. As such, they merge their consciousness with another Solar System and begin to experience its life. Time will tell if there is any validity to this statement. In theory, as a Kundalini awakened individual expands their consciousness through the building of Astral Light, this can occur over dozens of years since the consciousness and Aura grow outwards and expand exponentially. Perhaps this is why some illumined individuals are reported to have disappeared once they have reached a high level of Spiritual evolution.

Let it be known that as a Kundalini awakened individual if you decide to participate in Light draining activities such as consuming alcohol or drugs, your Aura and consciousness will weaken, thereby hindering the consciousness expansion process. These substances exhaust the Astral Light within us and allow our imagination to take us on a "trip" inside the Self. But when we do this, we sap our internal energy by experiencing these visions, instead of growing it with nutritious food and water.

People who go on drug induced trips and come back talking about realities beyond the Self are tapping into this Astral Light and "surfing" it, but the integration of this experience as a building block for Spirituality and expanding the consciousness is never realized. Looking into the darkest recesses of the human mind for answers to existence is foolishness. Trying to open Spiritual doors with drugs is a hazardous activity because once opened, they can never be closed. The consciousness cannot find its way back to reality in the same way as if you got lost in an enchanted forest and didn't leave breadcrumbs as you were going in.

As a part of your consciousness gets lost within yourself, your brain also does not create the proper neural pathways to take you to those transcendental states naturally. This is the key. Blowing open these gates unnaturally with drugs as opposed to meditation can cause irreparable and permanent psychological damage. The person loses touch with reality and confuses aspects of the Astral World with the real world.

The Astral World is real, only to a degree less than the physical one. But Maya, or illusion, of the physical world should not be taken lightly. We still need to wake up, work, make money to live, build relationships with people and fill our human Souls as living Beings on this Planet Earth. We need to love one another and be loved and produce offspring who improve on what we have accomplished, furthering evolution as a whole. It is our duty as well as our God-given right.

It is unwise to disregard the world around us as merely an illusion or a digital simulation as new theories from physicists suggest. Seeing it all as unreal and illusory takes away from our motivation to strive and grow in the world. To accomplish anything in this world, we first need to be motivated. True wisdom comes not from going inwards into your imagination to find the answers to life's problems. It comes from examining the world around you; the sciences, the arts and the recorded history of the people who lived before us.

Imagination is only the reflection of the Light of the Sun. It is Lunar in nature and belongs to the world of duality. Its Truth lies in its falsity. Thus, don't look for answers in phantasmagoric dreams and drug-induced visions. Look for them in the bright Light of the Sun; in reason and logic. The foolish man spends his days surfing his Astral Light and prophesying about imaginary hallucinations. The wise man stands silent, and in that silence contemplates pure consciousness, and lives in Truth.